Storm, J.F, Klink, P.C., Aru, J., Senn, W., Goebel, R., Pigorini, A., Avanzini, P., Vanduffel, W., Roelfsema, P.R., Massimini, M., Larkum, M.E., & Pennartz, C.M.A. (2023). An integrative, multiscale view on neural theories of consciousness Neuron.pdf.
Chen, X.*, Wang, F.*, Kooijmans, R.*, Klink, P.C., Boehler, B., Asplund, M., & Roelfsema, P.R.R. (2023). Chronic stability of a neuroprosthesis comprising multiple adjacent Utah arrays in monkeys. Journal of Neural Engineering.pdf (*Contributed equally).
Klink, P.C.*, Teeuwen, R.R.*, Lorteije, J.A.M., & Roelfsema, P.R.R. (2023). Inversion of pop-out for a distracting feature dimension in monkey visual cortex. PNAS, 120:9, e2210839120 doiauthor-pdf (*Contributed equally).
Hartig, R., Klink, P.C., Polyakova, Z., Dehaqani, M-R.A., Bondar, I., Merchant, H., Vanduffel, W., Roe, W.W., Nambu, A., M, T., Shmuel, A., Kapoor, V., Gothard, K.M., Evrard, H.C., Basso, M.A., Petkov, C., & Mitchell, A.S. (2023). A framework and resource for global collaboration in non-human primate neuroscience. Current Research in Neurobiology .
PRIME-DRE Consortium* (2022). Toward next-generation primate neuroscience: A collaboration-based strategic plan for integrative neuroimaging. Neuron *Inc. Klink, P.C.
Klink, P.C., Chen, X., Vanduffel, W., & Roelfsema, P.R. (2021). Population receptive fields in non-human primates from whole-brain fMRI and large-scale neurophysiology in visual cortex. eLife, 10:e67304. pdf
Highlighted in: Ip, B., & Bridge, H. (2021). Magnetic Resonance: Mapping the visual world to the human brain. eLife, 10:e75171. pdf
Gau, R., Noble, S., Heuer, K., Bottenhorn, K.L., Bilgin, I.P., Yang, Y-F., Huntenburg, J.M., Bayer, J., Bethlehem, A.I., (...) , The Brainhack Community* (2021). Brainhack: developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience. Neuron, S0896-6273(21)00231-2. *Inc. Klink, P.C.pdf
Klink, P.C., Aubry, J-F., Ferrera, V., Fox, A.S., Froudist-Walsh, S., Jarraya, B., Konofagou, E., Krauzlis, R., Messinger, A., Mitchell, A.S., Ortiz-Rios, M., Oya, H., Roberts, A.C., Roe, A.W., Rushworth, M.F.S., Sallet, J., Schmid, M.C., Schroeder, C.E., Tasserie, J., Tsao, D., Uhrig, L., Vanduffel, W., Wilke, M., Kagan, I., & Petkov, C.I. (2021). Combining Brain Perturbation and Neuroimaging in Non-human Primates. NeuroImage, 235, 118017. pdf
Messinger, A., Sirmpilatze, N., Heuer, K., Loh, K-K, Mars, R.B., Sein, J., Xu, T., Glen, D., Jung, B., Seidlitz, J., Taylor, P., Toro, R., Garza-Villarreal, E.A., Sponheim, C., Wang, X., Benn, R.A., Cagna, B., Dadarwal, R., Evrard, H.C., Garcia-Saldivar, P., Giavasis, S., Hartig, R., Lepage, C., Liu, C., Majka, P., Merchant, H., Milham, M.P., Rosa, M.G.P., Tasserie, J., Uhrig, L., Margulies, D.S., & Klink, P.C. (2021). A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 226, 117519. pdf
Fox, A.s., Holley, D., Klink, P.C., Arbuckle, S.A., Barnes, C.A., Diedrichsen, J., Kwok, S.C., Kyle, C., Pruszynski, J.A., Seidlitz, J., Zhou, X-F, Poldrack, R.A., & Gorgolewski, K.J. (2021). Sharing voxelwise neuroimaging results from rhesus monkeys and other species with Neurovault. NeuroImage, 225, 117518. pdf
PRIME-DE Consortium* (2020). Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging. Neuron, 105(4), 600-603. *Inc. Klink, P.C.pdf
Milham M.P, Ai, L., Koo, B. (...), Klink, P.C., (...), Margulies D.S., & Schroeder, C.E. (2018) An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging, Neuron, 100(1), 61-74.e2. pdf
Roelfsema, P.R., Denys, D., & Klink, P.C. (2018). Mind reading and writing: The future of neurotechnology. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(7), 598–610. pdf
Klink, P.C., Boucherie, D., Denys, D., Roelfsema, P.R., & Self M. (2017). Interocularly merged face percepts eliminate binocular rivalry. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 7585. pdf
Klink, P.C., Jeurissen, D., Theeuwes, J., Denys, D., & Roelfsema, P.R. (2017). Working memory accuracy for multiple targets is driven by reward expectation and stimulus contrast with different time-courses. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 9082. pdf
Klink, P.C.*, Dagnino, B.*, Gariel-Mathis, M-A.*, & Roelfsema, P.R. (2017). Distinct feedforward and feedback effects of microstimulation in visual cortex reveals neural mechanisms of texture-segregation. Neuron. 95(1), 209–220.e3. (*Contributed equally) pdf
Chen, X., Possel, J.K., Wacongne, C., Van Ham, A., Klink, P.C., & Roelfsema, P.R. (2017). 3D printing and modeling of customized implants and surgical guides for non-human primates. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 286, 38-55. pdf
Christophel, T.B.*, Klink, P.C.*, Spitzer, B., Roelfsema, P.R. & Haynes J-D (2017). A distributed account of working memory storage. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 21(2), 111–124. (*Contributed equally) pdf
De Graaf, T.A., van Ee, R., Croonenberg, D., Klink, P.C., & Sack, A.T. (2017). Perceptual disappearance of a competition-free salient visual stimulus at the offset of binocular rivalry. Journal of Vision. 17(1):2, 1–18. pdf
Klink, P.C. & Roelfsema, P.R.R (2016). Binocular rivalry outside the scope of awareness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(30), 8352–8354. pdf
Brascamp, J.W., & Klink, P.C., with a contribution of Levelt, W.J.A.M. (2015). The 'laws' of binocular rivalry: 50 years of Levelt's propositions. Vision Research. 109: 20-37. pdf
Klink, P.C., Jentgens, P., & Lorteije, J.A.M. (2014). Priority maps explain the roles of value, attention, and salience in goal-oriented behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(42), 13867-13869. pdf
Klink, P.C., Oleksiak, A., Lankheet, M.J.M., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2012). Intermittent stimulus presentation stabilizes neuronal responses in macaque area MT. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108, 2101-2114. pdf
Montijn, J.S., Klink, P.C., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2012). Divisive normalization and neuronal oscillations in a single framework of selective visual attention. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 6(22),1-38. pdf
Lankheet, M.J.M., Klink, P.C., & Noest, A.J. (2012). Spike-Interval Triggered Averaging Reveals a Quasi-Periodic Spiking Alternative for Stochastic Resonance in Catfish Electroreceptors. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32786. pdf
Klink, P.C., van Wezel, R.J.A., & van Ee, R. (2012). United we sense divided we fail: Neural mechanisms of context-driven perceptual disambiguation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 367(1591), 906-918. pdf
Oleksiak, A., Klink, P.C., Postma, A., van der Ham, I.J.M., Lankheet, M.J.M. & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2011). Spatial summation in macaque parietal area 7a follows a winner-take-all rule. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105(3), 1150-1158. pdf
Klink, P.C., Montijn, J.S., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2010). Crossmodal duration perception involves perceptual grouping, temporal ventriloquism and variable internal clock rates. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73(1), 219-236. pdf
Oleksiak, A., Postma, A., van der Ham, I.J.M., Klink, P.C., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2010). A review of lateralization of spatial functioning in nonhuman primates. Brain Research Reviews. pdf
Klink, P.C., Brascamp, J.W., Blake, R., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2010). Experience-driven plasticity in binocular vision. Current Biology, 20(16), 1464-1469. pdf
Klink, P.C., Noest, A.J., Holten, V., van den Berg, A.V., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2009). Occlusion-related lateral connections stabilize kinetic depth through perceptual coupling. Journal of Vision, 9(10):20, 1-20. pdf
Klink, P.C., van Ee, R., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2008). General validity of Levelt’s propositions reveals common computational mechanisms for visual rivalry. PLoS ONE, 3(10): e3473. pdf
Klink, P.C., Van Ee, R., Nijs, M.M., Brouwer, G.J., Noest, A.J., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2008). Early interactions between neuronal adaptation and voluntary control determine perceptual choices in bistable vision. Journal of Vision, 8(5):16, 1-18. pdf
Klink, P.C. (2008). Some spikes are more informative than others. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(19), 4844-4845. pdf
Book chapters
Klink, P.C., Self, M.W., Lamme, V.A., & Roelfsema, P.R. (2015). Theories and methods in the scientific study of consciousness. The Constitution of Phenomenal Consciousness: Towards a Science and Theory, ed. S. Miller, Advances in Consciousness Research. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Klink, P.C., van Wezel, R.J.A., & van Ee, R. (2014). The future of binocular rivalry research: Reaching through a window on consciousness. The Constitution of Visual Consciousness: Lessons from Binocular Rivalry, ed. S. Miller, Advances in Consciousness Research. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
PhD thesis
Klink, P.C. (2011). Neural mechanisms of context-driven conscious visual perception. Utrecht University. pdf
Selected abstracts
Klink, P.C., Chen, X., Vanduffel, W., Denys, D, & Roelfsema, P.R., (2019) Benchmarking population receptive field maps with fMRI and large-scale neurophysiological recordings in awake non-human primates. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2016. Chicago.
Klink, P.C. (2018) Dawn of the bionic brains. CogniTalks, Amsterdam.
Klink, P.C., (2016) Top-down and bottom-up salience dynamically determine the precision of working memory encoding. Perception Day. Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Klink, P.C., (2016) Reward and salience determine the precision of working memory encoding with different time-courses. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2016. San Diego.
Klink, P.C., (2016) Top-down priorities and bottom-up salience compete in macaque visual cortex. Amsterdam Vision Meeting.
Klink, P.C., Lorteije, J.A.M., van Vugt, B., & Roelfsema, P.R. (2015). Bottom-up and top-down priorities modulate responses in macaque visual cortex. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2015. Chicago.
De Graaf, T.A., van Ee, R., Croonenberg, D., Klink, P.C., & Sack, A.T. (2015) Disrupting binocular rivalry can lead to lasting visual suppression: psychophysics and computational modeling. Human Brain Mapping 2015.
Arsenault, J.T., Rima, S., Klink, P.C., Stemmann, H., & Vanduffel, W. (2013) Electrical microstimulation of the ventral tegmental area reinforces cue selection in monkeys. Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting 2013.
Klink, P.C., (2012) Perceptual stabilization of ambiguous visual input: a synthesis of perception, computation and neurophysiology. ECVP 2012, Alghero, Italy.
Klink, P.C., Oleksiak, A., Postma, A., van der Ham, I.J.M., Lankheet, M.J.M., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2011). A ‘matched filter’ mechanism of visual short-term memory in macaque parietal area 7a. Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA.
Klink, P.C. (2011). Experience-driven plasticity in adult binocular vision. 9th Dutch EndoNeuroPsycho Meeting, Lunteren, the Netherlands.
Klink, P.C., Lankheet, M.J.M., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2011). Intermittent motion stimuli stabilize neuronal responses in area MT: Implications for the perceptual stabilization of visual ambiguities. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, Naples FL, USA.
van Wezel, R.J.A., Lankheet, M.J.M., & Klink, P.C. (2010). The time-course of perceptual stabilization induces response stabilization in macaque area MT neurons. Society for Neuroscience, 74.12.
Klink, P.C., Noest, A.J., & Lankheet, M.J.M. (2010). Spike-pair triggered averaging reveals a function for spike generation in neural coding. The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Forum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Klink, P.C., Brascamp, J.W., Blake, R., & Van Wezel, R.J.A. (2010). Plasticity of interocular inhibition with prolonged binocular rivalry. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting, Naples FL, USA.
Klink, P.C., Lankheet, M.J.M., & Van Wezel, R.J.A. (2009). The neural signature of stabilized ambiguous stucture-from-motion in macaque area MT. Society for Neuroscience, 558.19.
Klink, P.C. (2009). Perception of ambiguous figures in spatiotemporal context. 8th Dutch EndoNeuroPsycho Meeting, Doorwerth, the Netherlands.
Klink, P.C., Noest, A.J., & Van Wezel, R.J.A. (2009). Amodal spatial facilitation resolves local ambiguities of kinetic depth. Journal of Vision, 9(8):275, 275a.
Klink, P.C., & van Wezel, R.J.A. (2009). Area MT and the stabilized perception of bistable structure-from-motion. European Primate Neurobiology Meeting, Goettingen, Germany.
Klink, P.C., Van Ee, R., & Van Wezel, R.J.A. (2008). Levelt’s propositions generalized for bi-stable structure-from-motion: Common computational mechanisms of visual rivalry. Perception 37 ECVP Abstract Supplement, page 28.
Klink, P.C., Van Ee, R., Noest, A.J., & Van Wezel, R.J.A. (2007). Early interactions among perceptual history, stimulus timing and voluntary control determine perceptual decisions in bistable vision. Society for Neuroscience, 507.14.4.
Noest, A.J., Van Ee, R., Van Wezel, R.J.A., Klink, P.C., & Nijs, M.M. (2007). Bistable percept-choice dynamics explained by early interactions between stimulus timing, voluntary bias, and perceptual history. Perception 36 ECVP Abstract Supplement.
Klink, P.C. (2007). Attention vs. Contrast for the Single Neuron: Does the analogy hold? Journal of Neuroscience, eLetter. online